Is Forth out of date ?

In this clarifying letter of Brad Rodriguez, may we find the answer

No, Forth isn't out of date.  Forth is still great because of the
following benefits:

1. It is simple to build from the bottom up.
2. You can get an _application_ to run in a miniscule amount of RAM.
3. You can try things out in real time as you build your system.
4. Compared to any other interpreted language, it is fast.

Allow me to elaborate:

  • 1. Forth remains one of the few environments which is totally comprehensible by one person.
 This is a big plus when you're working in
safety-critical systems, or whenever you need to verify program

  • 2. Forth does indeed make "the best out of a slow microprocessor with little RAM."
Such processors are more common than PCs -- they're called embedded systems.  It will be a long time before your car's fuel-injection system has 16 MB and a 1.25 GB hard disk.  (And most embedded processors are NOT supported by Borland C++.)
  • 3. There is simply NO substitute for an interactive interpreter when debugging
Even an edit-compile-test cycle of 5 seconds feels clumsy,
after you're used to testing any subroutine by typing its name.  Can
your debugger let you manually try different input parameters?  (My
Borland compiler can't.)  And you should try a modern interactive
Forth to learn how easy it makes testing embedded hardware!  I've yet to
meet the in-circuit emulator that lets me exercise I/O as easily as a
few simple lines of Forth code.  (Or lets me test multiprocessors or
distributed systems at all!)

  • 4. Forth is still fast.
Modern compilers produce code as good as any other language -- 
not all Forths use threaded code!  (I could relate a
horror story I heard about an engine control system written in C++.)
Forth is certainly the fastest interpretive language around; and besides
the debugging advantage, I've found interpretive Forth to be superior
for incremental development.

However, I have other reasons for using Forth:

  • 5. Forth is _extensible_.
This means that if the language does not support some feature or 
capability you need, you can add it...not as a
subroutine package, but as part of the language itself.  Can you imagine
writing object-oriented code, if every reference to an object had to be
through a function call?  That's how I feel about other languages'
implementations of multitasking, multiprocessing, and networking.  Only
in Forth can these be truly transparent.

  • 6. Forth lets me work at a high level of _abstraction_.

Between language extension and "active" data structures, when I write a Forth
application, I am really writing in the language of the application --
not the language of the compiler.  This makes the program easier for a
newcomer to read, and easier to maintain.

Like most programmers, my choice of language is based on personal
preference.  I find that I think more clearly in Forth, and from past
experience :
I estimate I'm 5 to 10 times more productive in Forth than in C. 
Others may not share this preference or facility.  Forth may not be
your preference, but it's certainly "relevant" -- now more than ever.

Brad Rodriguez  

original article on : adapted by Peter Forth 2018