Important Information


Senior Day!

DATE: Tuesday, May 7

TIME:  5:00 PM

PLACE: WMHS Cafeteria

It is tradition that junior athletes and parents organize Senior Day. As we don't have a "home" meet location this season, we have decided to hold Senior Day after practice on May 7. Practice should be lighter and shorter that day, as it's the afternoon before a meet. We will be meeting in the cafeteria that afternoon to celebrate our senior athletes. The entire team is invited, along with our senior athletes' families. 


DATE: Thursday, June 6 

TIME: 6pm


For those of you who attended our first Boosters meeting, you know that we were struggling to find a location that could accommodate a team of 150 athletes, along with their guests. We were concerned that we may have to split the team up somehow or hold separate banquets. We're happy to say that we have the greenlight to use the school for our end of season banquet. We're still working out the details, so stay tuned for more information in the coming weeks.

We are thrilled to report that we have raised $2500 so far from our Prince Pizza Voucher FUNdraiser! We are halfway to our goal of $5000. The money that we raise from this fundraiser will go directly to paying for the additional coaching staff needed for the program this season. 

In the spirit of healthy competition, our top 2 sales athletes so far are: Patrick Murphy and Zachary Davidson!

Patrick has sold 12 vouchers and raised $156 for the program!  Zach has sold 10 vouchers and raised $130 for the program! Great job, boys! Thank you!

76 athletes have participated so far - but there's still time to increase that number and get your athlete's name on the leaderboard! Remember: 

Anyone selling 5 or more vouchers will be put in a drawing for a $25 Chipotle gift card.  The athlete that sells the most will also win a $25 gift card to Chipotle.  

Round two of sales is officially underway. Below are the details:

ROUND TWO: For any voucher order AND payment made after 6pm on Thursday, May 2:

Fundraiser Highlights:

You can read the details here: Prince Pizza Voucher Fundraiser Details

Pizza Vouchers may be purchased here: Prince Pizza Voucher Purchase Form

In lieu of selling vouchers, you may make a $39 donation (or more) to the program, which equals the profit made from selling 3 vouchers. You may opt out and make a donation here: Opt Out of Prince Pizza Fundraiser Donation Form

*PLEASE NOTE: If you've already placed an order during Round 1 but have not yet made a payment, you will not receive your voucher(s) until payment is made. 

THANK YOU to all who have participated in the fundraiser! Your contribution is so appreciated. The program would not be the success that it is without your continued support.



Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns. And thanks so much for your continued support!