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What leagues do Trowbridge Town take part in?

The Men currently have 2 teams in the Mid Wilts Triples League and 3 in the White Horse Tea and Biscuits League.

The Ladies have a team in the Bowls Wiltshire Ladies League and a team in the Seidal League.

There is also a mixed team taking part in the Monday Mixed Leagues.

How do I get access to the availability sign up pages?

You need to be a member. You can the request access via the form at the bottom of the members area. 

You will receive an email that you can click on for access.

If you have a problem, email:

and we will try to guide you through the process.

How will I know if I have been selected for a match, what time it is and what kit I will need?

You can see if the team has been selected from the fixture list. If you then go to the team list you will find all the details you will need.

What is a frequently asked question?

Here is where you can write the answer to that question.

What is a frequently asked question?

Here is where you can write the answer to that question.