Poe on the Street

The Poe Project Presents

About Poe on the Street

Poe on the Streets is an event of The Poe Project celebrating the life, works, and inspiration of Edgar Allan Poe. This year, individuals will be roaming Main Street performing short works by Poe or those inspired by Poe. 

Edgar Allan Poe did not make money off of his work during his lifetime. He died on October 7, 1849, after having been found lying in the street wearing someone else's clothing. It is in this way that our street performances honor his life. If you are wondering how much you might donate, Poe was compensated for The Raven with $9. 

100% of donations will benefit The Poe Project. This event typically runs about $100-$300/year to produce including printing costs, venues, fees for credit card payments, and other overhead. 

The Poe Project is a month-long festival springing off with Poe Week from October 1st through 7th annually, culminating on the date of Edgar Allan Poe's death. We invest in our community by giving a portion of the proceeds from each and every event to the local non-profit of the sponsor’s choice. The Poe Project is spearheaded and presented by Geek Parties of the Grand Valley. 

Poe on the Street

Friday, October 6

Starting at 7:00 

Main Street, Grand Junction

Participating Art Galleries and Performers
will appear here: