Temps, Vendors, Contractors: The Changing Organization of Work


This session will focus on tech firm practices regarding employees and non-employees, such as independent contractors and workers employed by third-party contractors. Together we will discuss how tech industry practices relate to broader trends in the changing organization of work and production. Jessie HF and Sarah Thomason, researchers at the UC Berkeley Labor Center, will facilitate the discussion and provide background information on labor market trends and current areas of research.


Discussion Questions

  1. What are the important distinctions between employees and various categories of non-employees at different companies? What purposes do they serve?
  2. What are the consequences of these distinctions for workers and their work? How does this vary for different types of jobs?
  3. How are trends in tech similar/different from trends in other industries? How much variation in these practices exists within tech?
  4. Thoughts about goals and strategies for improving non-employee working conditions? What lessons can be learned from other industries?