Friday, March 24th

Welcome to the 3rd Annual Teach & Learn Conference. We are so glad you joined us!

We are pleased to be offering a hybrid conference however, Friday's program will be offered exclusively online. Please join us for opening session and keynote presentation through Zoom (info to join below). Make sure you stay until the end for exciting giveaways!

Zoom Meeting Info:

Click the link to join:

Webinar ID: 922 0632 3094

7:00-8:45pm - Opening Sessions (on Zoom)

Welcome & Land Acknowledgement

Keynote Performance- Arne Eigenfeldt - A Walk to Meryton

In the summer of 2022, I collaborated with four amazing individuals, to overlay a human reaction to the generated parts in A Walk To Meryton: John Korsrud, trumpet and flugelhorn; Meredith Bates, violin; Jon Bentley, soprano and tenor saxophones; and Barbara Adler, text and reading. In the summer of 2022, I collaborated with four amazing individuals, to overlay a human reaction to the generated parts in A Walk To Meryton: John Korsrud, trumpet and flugelhorn; Meredith Bates, violin; Jon Bentley, soprano and tenor saxophones; and Barbara Adler, text and reading. John, Meredith, and Jon were given the harmonic progressions and melodies for each composition, with suggestions as to which sections they could improvise within. 

Barbara and I had long conversations about walking, Jane Austin, musebots, and internal dialogs. Barbara then added her own take on these ideas, and provided readings. 

The ten audio tracks, available on SoundCloud, below, will be mixed and mastered by Murat Çolek, for release on vinyl double album in 2023.

Keynote Presentation - Holly Clark - The Infused Classroom: Integrating Technology into Education

The future classroom must look very different from the traditional classrooms of yesterday. As the landscape of information changes, with AI and Chat GPT it will force a change in our instructional pedagogies. Our students' futures are digital, and their successes will depend on knowing how to use digital tools, including AI, to build businesses, communicate effectively and work productively from remote locations. This story-filled keynote will look at the integration of artificial intelligence, the impact of blended learning (technology in the classroom) on students outcomes, and how it might show that it might not be too much screen time that is a problem, and the role of technology in preparing students for a future where technology will only continue to play a larger role.

Keynote Performance - Andrew Stewart & David Ogborn- Coding at the Centre of Musical Play

Coding at the Centre of Musical Play is a live coding improvisation, illustrating the importance of spontaneity and whimsy – values that must be nurtured and never forgotten.

Live coding is a 21st-century creative process for making music with computer technology. Live coding involves an analytical mindset, asking the performer to problem solve by arranging numerical values and text variables following the rules of syntax of a computer programming language. Live coding is a transferrable skill in that the problem solving inherent in writing code, which makes music, is applicable to coding in other disciplines, including other non-musical areas of technological teaching in the classroom. 

Dr. D. Andrew Stewart (Associate Professor of Music and Digital Audio Arts, ULethbridge) is a digital musical instrumentalist exploring performative gestures with new interfaces for musical expression. David Ogborn (Associate Professor of Communication Studies and Media Arts, McMasterU) is an artist programmer and interdisciplinary researcher, and leads the development of the Estuary platform for collaborative live coding.

Giveaways, Conference Format Details, & Final Comments

Thank you for joining us on opening night! We will see you tomorrow at 10am for day 2!