Financial Commitments

In agreement to joining SEGA, it is understood there is a financial commitment to cover administrative costs and professional coaching, which extends beyond practice time. Monthly training payments are due in full by the 5th of each month. 

Payments may be sent via Venmo (recommended) to @Swim_SGAFoundation, given to Board Member (Dawn or Pamela) in form of a check or money order, or mailed (ask Board member for address). All checks or money orders should be made payable to Southern Georgia Aquatic Foundation. 

Southern Eagle Aquatics

2023-24 Youth Fee Schedule

Fixed Costs (per swimmer yearly)

Team Registration - $130 to SEGA

USA Swimming Registration - $70 to USA Swimming

(Board member can provide instructions on USAS registration)

Monthly Dues (August 2023 - July 2024)

The Swimmers' Group assignment is subject to the coaching staff’s approval.

Bronze - Practice 2x/week - $120

Silver - Practice 4x/week - $140

Gold - Practice unlimited/month - $160

Additional Costs

Meet Entry Fees - Variable by meet with respect to event cost and number of events in which the athlete is entered. Typically $20-$30/day of competition

Meet Coaching Fees - $20/day of competition.

Extra Swim Caps- $5/cap-latex; $12/cap-silicone

Extra T-shirts- Variable dependent on cost and quantity 

Private/Semi-Private Coaching

Contact directly for rates and schedule - 

Requests for Private/Semi-Private Coaching must be made at least 24 hours in advance with a Coach in order to secure pool space. Athletes must be of similar age and ability to do a semi-private session.