Moore's Flight Path

Harvey and Laura Moore recently celebrated their 6oth wedding anniversary. Catherine Bennett devised the dance 'Moore's Fly Past' as a tribute to all they have done for both SCD and the greater community at large. 

Moore’s Flight Path (S4x40) 4C set, Catherine Bennett 2022

1- 8 1st woman casts off and dances down behind to below 4th place, while 1st man dances in and down centre to below 4th place, (2nd couple step bars 3-4),

1st woman dances up the centre of the set back to second place while, 1st man dances back to 2nd place behind the mens side.

9-16 1st and 2nd W and 1st and 2nd M turn Lh, 1st and 3rd W and 1st and 3rd M turn Rh,

1st and 2nd couples dance left hand across.

17-24 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance RSH reels of three on own side.

25-32 1st, 3rd and 4th couples dance RSh reels of three on own side

33-40 1st couple turn two hands, dance down to 4th place, (Couples 3 & 4 step up on bars 35-36),

All couples turn 2H for 2 bars, All couples taking hands, set on the side.

Recommended music The Library of Birmingham.