our team

The Smart UWSS project team is:

Global: consist of researchers from HK, China, USA, Canada, NZ and Italy.

  1. Multi-disciplinary: The expertise of the team spans hydraulics and fluid mechanics; waves in pipes and their usage for condition assessment; signal processing and wireless communications; structural mechanics; numerical modelling and inverse methods.
  2. Has support from the HK government: This is also HK’s directive to create a “Water Intelligent Network (WIN)” as highlighted in the Chief Executive Policy Agenda of 2015 and HK WSD has already implemented a real-time pipe network monitoring pilot experiment in North Point.
  3. Internationally recognized: Over 15 prestigious prizes (e.g. the Arthur Thomas Ippen Award, IAHR, the Hunter Rouse Hydraulic Engineering Award, ASCE) have been bestowed on our team members. Our team members have been also over 10 Fellows of engineering academies and learned societies (e.g. ASCE, IEEE, RAE, HKIE, HKES, AAAS, IET, Royal Aeronautical Society, Royal Academies, Acoustical Society), over 30 editorial roles (Editors in Chief, Editors and Associate Editors) in leading international journals; and over 20 Vice-Presidents/Chairmanships of leading professional organizations. The HKUST ECE members also hold over 35 patents and have an outstanding record of commercialisation of technologies including start-ups.
  4. Has proven records of collaboration among team members: Examples include the organization of numerous conferences including the IAHR World Congress (2013); joint research projects; the offering of continuing professional development (CPD) courses to government water engineers; co-founding the HK Chapter of IAHR in 1997; and launching the Elsevier Journal of Hydro-environment Research (supported by Korean Water Resources Association) in 2007—which became an SCI Journal in 2010. The local ECE team members have collaborated on wireless systems for high speed communications; data acquisition issues in Big Data systems; and RF Identification. Ghidaoui MS, Karney BW, Brunone B, Lee PJ, Meniconi S, Duan HF, and Xu K have long-standing research collaboration which has led to numerous joint publications and research grants.