

Here I have gathered a few areas of physics in which I am interested.

  • Research - A peak into the award winning research on ultra-cold molecular theory I did as an undergrad at Western Washington University.
  • Relativity - On the the Relativity sub-page, I provide some resources to learn more and some presentation on the subject.
  • Phasors for the Constantly Busy - An introduction to Complex Analysis and its application to phasors typically used in electric circuits.


I researched with Dr. Brandon Peden at Western Washington University. My project was looking at how the microscopic structure of quadrupolar molecules affected the behavior of the many-body physics/larger system. Below are some summaries that I have written in my work.

On the right is a poster summarizing my work as of late May 2019. I presented this poster at the 2019 meeting of the Northwest Section of American Physical society, where I co-won Best Poster in the undergraduate division alongside fellow WWU physics student MacKenzie Jewell who was working with Dr. Janelle Leger. I also prepared and presented a talk (top left) on this research at the annual WWU Physics & Astronomy undergraduate research conference. On the bottom left is an introduction to the theory of the underlying quantum mechanics that went into this research.

Research Talk
A Brief on Many-Body Physics for Bosons.pdf

Phasors for the Constantly Busy

Here I have created a guide on phasors which includes basics complex numbers, and the representation of phasors and their application to electronic circuit analysis.

Phasors for the Constantly Busy.pdf