Cool Stuff


This part of the site is purely for fun. It is comprised of things that aren't mathematically rigorous, and on the level of popular science. Enjoy!


"Anyone can Quantum" and "Quantum is Calling"

Preposterous Universe

Sean Carroll isn't only a physicist, but also a blogger and a science outreach-er. With doing Ted talk, and appearing on The Colbert Report, he has become quite the voice for physics advocacy. He was written quite a few books, and blogs often on a variety of topics. If there is anyone to check out, and when you're all worn out from doing experiments Bill Nye, or going on a journey with Neil Tyson, and good ol' Carl Sagan, it's Sean Carroll.


Cool math stuff coming soon!

General Science

Here will be some fun stuff that doesn't really have a specific theme to it.

Spark Science, hosted by Dr. Regina Barber DeGraaff, is a wonderful source of both podcasts and blog posts that satisfy the science craving while also looking at the people behind the science.


In a Nutshell, or Kurzgesagt in German, has a YouTube channel that provides videos explaining interesting concepts with high-quality animation that are unbelievably easy to digest.