How to use a Lighbox in Cheetah3D

1. Create your 3D model. Your model might be textureless or you can add color or texture. Look at your Objects window to identify all the elements of your object.

2. You have to select ALL the elements, so click on Shift and then click on each of the objects that compose your projects. Do NOT select the camera.

3. Right Click and select "Group." This will put all your elements into a single folder.

4. You can close the group folder to make it easier to transport. To copy it, go to Edit > Copy.

5. Open the "Softbox" Cheetah file or download a copy here.

6. Click on the folder that says "Replace Me" (a) and copy your group by going to Edit>Paste (b)

7. Make sure your Group folder is inside the Replace Me folder. (a)

8. Adjust the size of your group and your camera so that only your model shows up in the middle of the Lightbox without actually seeing the rest of the Lightbox. (b)

9. When you are ready to render, click on the "Render Scene" button. (c)

10. If there is any black in your scene, close your render window, adjust your camera or object size and render again.

11. If your object is perfectly lit with no black stripes or areas, then you can click on the "Save" button.

12. Put in the appropriate name for your project. (a) Put it in the correct folder to save. (b) Make sure the format is .jpg if you are saving a picture. (c) And finally, click save! (d)