2021 Webinars

Dates in 2021:

We have split the program of the workshop initially scheduled in Prague into 4 online events:

To register to these webinars: More information here soon

For any question, please contact the coordinator of these events: 

Tanja Šumrada, Ljubljana University, Slovenia  <tanja.sumrada@bf.uni-lj.si>

EAAE pre-symposium, organized by REECAP

July 19, 2 - 5 pm

Keynote lecture: 

Karen Macours, Paris School of Economics and J-PAL Europe

J-PAL Europe conducts rigorous impact evaluations of social programs in Europe. With a network of affiliated professors based across Europe and beyond, they partner with governments and civil society actors to conduct randomized evaluations and help partners scale up effective programs. While J-PAL conducts experiments with farmers in other parts of the world, european agricultural policies have not been evaluated by J-PAL until now. Karen Macours will present her work with farmers and other fields of application of experimental approaches. 

Timetable :

Chair: Jens Rommel (SLU, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences)

Karen Macours presentation on her experience in running large RCTs with farmers in Africa + How J-PAL works ? 


Round table on Complementing experiments with other approaches

EAAE_pre_symposium_Qmethod and DCE.pdf
FarmAgiPoliS EAAE.pdf

Organized sessions during EAAE on-line conference

July 20-23 (exact timetable not known yet, see EAAE conference program)

Attendance will be possible only to those registered to the conference. 

Invited panel session "The future is now: innovative experimental tools to study and design the CAP" (chair: Alan Matthews, organized by D. Curzi)

Two REECAP board members invited in this panel: L. Kufhuss and M. Lefebvre

Training session: Introduction to power analysis

June 18, 10-12 am (PAST)

Upon registration (free)

Jens Rommel (SLU, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences)

Power analysis is a crucial step in designing any experimental protocol to ensure robust results and plan the sample size. Yet, in practice, power analysis is still often neglected. In this session, Jens Rommel will introduce participants to the basic principles of power analysis.

Target audience: Researchers who use experimental methods, but who are so far unfamiliar with power analysis.

Useful video series on power analysis in Stata: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBONLUp7i28 

JensRommel _ power analysis training_ REECAP 2021.pdf
Exercise Power Analysis.docx

Header image by Dylan Gillis on Unsplash.com, Unsplash License