Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is this Battlebots/Legos?

A: No

Q: Who do I make the check out to?

A: Plainfield HS Robotics

Q: What is the schedule for the events?

A: FIRST Indiana Robotics has all the information regarding events, if it is not posted then it has not been made public yet.

Q: What time does the bus leave PHS?

A: The calendar page on this website has that information

Q: Why are we leaving so early?

A: The events are all day events that typically start at 8am and are 1-2 hours drive away.

Q: When's Lunch?

A: The field will shut down for lunch at some point in the middle of the day for lunch, depending on if the event is running on schedule or not, this time will change based on the event.

(Second answer if you didn't like the first one): 12:30pm

A: Bring a sack lunch that does not need to be refrigerated, we will eat as a team when it is convenient for us at the event, we will let you know when we know.

A: At most events there is a concession stand open, bring some cash to get snacks/drinks.

Q: What time is the event over?

A: The match schedule is created the morning we get there, it depends on the event.  I have the bus driver's phone number and I call them when we are ready to leave.  It depends.  As a general rule of thumb the events are 8am-8pm, but this is not exact.  firstindianarobotics has detailed information.

Q: I have to leave early from an event, or arrive late, what do I do?

A: Contact Mr. Schmitt or Mr. Taylor to let him know.

Q: How do I get a letter for letterman's jackets?
A: To letter in robotics you have to be a veteran on the team and complete one year of robotics.  You order your own jacket and block P from the Neff website, along with any other customization you wish.