Universidad de Guadalajara
Centro Universitario de Ciencias Exactas e Ingenierias
Quantum & Classical Statistical Physics Seminar
In this series of seminars we invite speakers to talk about different topics of current interest on Statistical Physics bi-weekly, usually on Thursday. Researchers from different Mexican or foreign universities are invited to give colloquium and also to present their work. Students are also welcome to present their work in this seminar.
Please check our YouTube page to watch all the previous talks.
Incoming talk
Old Academic Work and New Ideas on Quantum Channels (and My Passage Through the Private Sector)
Speaker: David Davalos
Date: February 25th 2025, 15:00 (GMT-6)
Auditorium Z of CUCEI. (Youtube Link)
I will give a summary of my very old and not that old work on quantum channels, particularly on their divisibility properties and some theorems that give insights on the algebraic structure of the convex space of quantum channels. Later, I will talk about the more recent work on quantum coarse graining and emergent nonlinear coarse grained dynamics from standard quantum mechanics. Finally, if we have time I will also talk about my work and journey in the private sector working with Natural Language Processing and some insights on the state-of-the-art of resources concerning artificial intelligence (we don't need to invent the wheel again).
Note: this talk will be held in Spanish.
Feb/2025: The seminars will now take place on Tuesdays.
Jan/2025: The seminar schedule for the first semester of the year will be from 15:00 to 17:00.
Aug/2024: You can see all information of the most recent workshop organized by us in:
Student Organizers:
Alex Contreras
Hans Baltazar
Dalia Hernandez
Alex Ramírez
Few examples of the topics presented in the seminars:
Critical Phenomena and Non-Equilibrium Statistical Physics
Open System and Chaos
Spin Systems, Networks
Random Matrix Theory
Quantum Computing and Quantum Information Theory
Socio-Physics and Econo-physics
Neural Networks and Deep Learning
We cordially invite you to assist to these seminars published on Youtube.
Also you can follow us in twitter: @StatphysSeminar