
   Thomas Gorin

  Soham Biswas

Pablo Lopez

Student Organizers     

Alex Contreras

Hans Baltazar

Dalia Hernandez

Alex Ramírez

Universidad de Guadalajara

Centro Universitario de Ciencias Exactas e Ingenierias

Quantum & Classical Statistical Physics Seminar

In this series of seminars we invite speakers to talk about different topics of current interest on Statistical Physics bi-weekly, usually on Thursday. Researchers from different Mexican or foreign universities are invited to give colloquium and also to present their work. Students are also welcome to present their work in this seminar. 

Please check our YouTube page to watch all the previous talks. 


Incoming talk 

Amorphous dielectric materials with complete photonic band-gaps in 3D.

Speaker: Abraham Aguilar

Date: 21 November 2024, 3:00 pm (GMT-6)

Auditorium Z, CUCEI.  (Youtube Link on hold...)         


Over the past decade, it has been demonstrated that amorphous photonic dielectric materials can exist in two and three dimensions, displaying a complete photonic bandgap that inhibits the propagation of electromagnetic waves within a specific frequency range [2]. These materials show great promise in both fundamental physics and various technological applications. 

In a recent paper, our research group proposed a comprehensive framework that unifies the description of light transmission through three-dimensional amorphous dielectric materials. In our model we address the role of both light localization and the photonic bandgap [1]. Here, we present experimental results on light transmission and reflection in amorphous dielectric networks, providing empirical support for the theoretical framework [1]. 

Our findings include compelling evidence of complete photonic bandgaps in dielectric networks made of silicon. To fabricate these network structures, we employed direct laser writing of polymer templates. The polymer structures were then converted into high refractive index silicon through chemical vapor deposition. 

Of particular importance in our investigation is the specific examination of the role of direct coherence reflection or single scattering in the proximity of the photonic bandgap, necessary to interpret the experimental data.


1. Scheffold, F., Haberko, J., Magkiriadou, S., & Froufe-Pérez, L. S. (2022). "Transport through Amorphous Photonic Materials with Localization and Bandgap Regimes." Phys. Rev. Lett., 129, 157402. 

2. Florescu, M., Torquato, S., & Steinhardt, P. J. (2009). "Designer disordered materials with large, complete photonic band’’ Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106(49), 20658-20663.


We organized:

  "Meeting on Complex Systems
& Stochastic Processes"

Few examples of the topics presented in the seminars:

We cordially invite you to assist to these seminars published on  Youtube.

       Also you can follow us in twitter: @StatphysSeminar