Control of atoms in a high-bandwidth cavity for quantum nodes

Speaker:   Eduardo Uruñuela

                       Quantum Technology Group, AG Meschede, Institude of Applied Physics, Bonn University

Date: 2nd February, 2023, 4:00 pm (GMT-6) 

Auditorium Z


Optical cavities with coupled atoms are a promising platform as the nodes of future quantum networks, enabling interchange of information between single atoms and single photons. In particular, fiber-based high-bandwidth cavities offer convenient and efficient routing of quantum information, in an interesting regime that combines strong coupling with the atom and high-rate information exchange with the quantum channel. However, critical control of coupled atoms for the quantum node operation, is affected by the strong Purcell effect, the miniaturized geometry and the high-bandwidth property of such cavities.

In this seminar I will introduce our experiment with Rb87 atoms coupled to a high-bandwith fiber Fabry-Pérot cavity (FFPC), and present my work aiming at a better control of the coupled atoms.