Harlan & Dresler: Teacher Best Friends

The Platonic Love Story of a Lifetime

"If you looked up cool dude in the dictionary you’d probably get a picture of somebody that looked like that."

Interviewer/s: What are your favorite things about each other?

Harlan: I like Dresler’s whole thing. His ability to 100% be himself is a trait I admire cause that’s not easy to do. Go ahead, make me cry.

Dresler: I like his ability to state his ideas whether it’s talking about an english class like you present yourself very well and your ideas very well and you’re very both literate and like verbally well-spoken.

Harlan: What a nice thing to say.

Dresler: I enjoy talking to him because we have good conversations and he gives good responses.

Interviewer/s: Does Harlan walk in on your classes frequently?

Dresler: He walks past my classes frequently. It’s a lot harder for me to do because he’s out here at the end.

Harlan: Yeah, not enough. I need to stop by more.

Interviewers: What was your first impression of this school and each other?

Harlan: I was worried, I was concerned... about Mr. Dresler obviously. He puts out a weird vibe and I wasn’t sure if it was going to be a good fit and also I needed to do a background check on him. Luckily, background check came back clean, and after spending some time with Mr. Dresler I could tell he was good people.

Dresler: First impression of this school was good, it wasn’t until we were in the induction program going to some of the meetings we have to do with teachers from other schools where their kids last year were 50% attendance if they were lucky that I really started to appreciate it cause I had one kid that was absent a day and that kinda opened my eyes to wow we have really good kids here. As far as Mr. Harlan goes, first impression he seemed like a cool dude. Like if you looked up cool dude in the dictionary you’d probably get a picture of somebody that looked like that.

Harlan: First impression of this school was probably, I was like this is really different compared to past experiences. I was like wow, but really liked it. Fit like a glove and I feel like it was a big win. I feel incredibly lucky.

Interviewer/s: What do you think each other’s success in popularity as teachers is due to?

Dresler: Why do I think he’s so popular? Because he’s chill. When you’re at school you want like a nice, calm collective environment; somebody who’s not gonna stress you out and yell at you and stare at you.

Harlan: Yeah, that’s probably true. I think a lot of the same can be said for Dresler. But also an element of fun joviality that allows people to be themselves. We’re pretty accepting human beings I think.

Interviewer/s: Who do you think is the little brother and the big brother in the relationship?

Harlan: I feel pretty established in my big brother role.

Dresler: I’ve always been a little brother ever since I was born. See, I like the little brother role because you generally have a role model that you have to learn from whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing. Like growing up, I learned a lot of things not to do so I’m really good at learning things not to do.

Harlan: Which is awesome because I’m really good at teaching things not to do, or at least demonstrating them.

Dresler: As the younger sibling, you gotta occasionally poke the older sibling a little bit and I’m pretty good at that. I’ve towed the lines a couple times, you gotta make sure you don’t go over the line. If you do, you gotta apologize. So like one point last year I turned all of his desks around. It was really funny.

Harlan: That wasn’t very funny at all. I came in very confused and like why would somebody do that? And I thought it was like, cause we had telephone people or something, and I kept coming in and my room would be different and I was like what the heck is going on? And so I came here like an hour early one day and there was like thirteen dudes I’d never seen before sitting in here eating Panda Express.

Dresler: I didn’t know that part.

Harlan: And yeah so I was like what’s up guys? Yeah.

Interviewer/s: I was going to ask for your weirdest experiences with each other but I’m not sure if anything weirder than that could’ve happened.

Dresler: I made him ice cream. I don’t know if that’s weird or not.

Harlan: It wasn’t weird but it was nice. It was good, strawberry if I’m not mistaken.

Interviewer/s: What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever seen happen at this school?

Dresler: Weirdest thing I’ve ever seen happen at this school...

Harlan: I can’t talk about my experience… not yet. Saw a possum. Name’s Pierre right?

Dresler: It’s got like three names now.

Harlan: What are the three names?

Interviewer/s: Jeremiah Jester Johnson is one.

Harlan: Jeremiah Just A Possum?

Interviewer/s: Jester Johnson.

Harlan: Oh.

Dresler: I’ve also heard Pierre though.

Harlan: Yeah, I thought Pierre was the name. I’m good with whatever.

Dresler: I think it depends on the grade level.

Interviewer/s: Mr. Dresler, is it true that a group of seventh graders waits outside your door for their daily hugs after school?

Dresler: No that is not true. Those are eighth graders.

*everyone bursts out laughing*

Harlan: Greatest correction ever.

Interviewer/s: How do you feel about that?

Dresler: It’s exhausting.

Harlan: Flattering?

Dresler: Flattering, yes, but for those of you who listen to AJR there’s a song about like ‘I’m Not Famous’ and it’s all the things that are nice about not being famous, not having to worry about paparazzi or people following you around or like prying into your social life.

Interviewer/s: It must be hard to be so loved.

Dresler: It is.

Interviewer/s: How do you two feel about your fan pages on Instagram?

Dresler: Oh those are great. I have two now apparently.

Harlan: I like it. I don’t know what my count is, I forget.

Dresler: I was on his instagram at one point, we were singing a song.

Harlan: I don’t remember that.

Dresler: Yeah it was the ‘can we pretend the satellites are like shooting stars’.

Harlan: Oh that’s a song?

Dresler: Yeah.

Harlan: Katy Perry?

Dresler: No, that's Firework.

Harlan: Oh wait wait wait, no not Katy Perry… oh shoot.

Dresler: One of us was Mordecai or something and the other was Twinkle Star Child.

Interviewer/s: Was online better than in-person?

Harlan: No.

Dresler: Oh god no. There were some aspects of it that I will admit were good and are helpful for this year but there is no comparison to in person.

Harlan: I liked being able to sleep in and not have to drive 300 miles a week. That was so baller. Right? You guys know you’re picking up what I’m putting down. And an extra two hours of sleep?

Dresler: Oh and Mondays, Mondays were nice.

Harlan: Yeah Mondays being able to do work?

Dresler: We should just have four day school weeks.

Harlan: 100%.

Interviewer/s: What irritates you about each other?

Harlan: Nothing.

Dresler: Oh please.

Harlan: I don’t find Mr. Dresler to be irritable. Maybe I don’t spend enough time with him.

Dresler: Sometimes I feel like he can be slightly dishonest.

Harlan: Woah.

Dresler: And not serve up the truth.

Harlan: L.O.L., I don’t- if I can come up with something that’s irritating about Dresler can I email it to you? I’ll ask around.

Dresler: He’s very picky about his whiteboard.

Harlan: Oh my god that’s true. Readily agreed.