Mobile Robotics

ROS, V-Rep, C/C++, Valgrind, Matlab

Part 1: How To Use LiDAR sensor (Scanse) in Ubuntu 14.04

How to connect LiDAR to Laptop and get it's output in Ubuntu 14.04. We are using LiDAR sensor provided by

Part 2: How To Use LiDAR sensor (Scanse) in Ubuntu 14.04

LiDAR Real Time Implementation: The tutorial helps beginners in integrating the LiDAR sensor to laptop using Ubuntu 14.04

Project: Object Detection and Separation of Static and Dynamic Objects (Mapping)

The tutorials present the way to find out objects in environment, separate the objects in to static and dynamic (scan matching technique) and create separate maps for both information.

Tools: 2D Laser sensor, V-Rep, ROS, PCL.

How to separate cluster/objects using PointCloud2 - ROS + V-Rep [2D]

The video highlights, if we have a single PointCloud2 (topic/pcd) file having complete environment/scan, than how could we separate the objects/clusters from it?


  1. Reading .pcd file having environment map/scan [pcl_xyz.pcd]

  2. Separating clusters repesenting the objects of the environment

  3. Saving separated clusters to separate .pcd files

Separation of Static and Dynamic obstacles from 2D map

The video shows the mapping of environment in 2D using ROS and V-Rep. Two different maps static_map and dynamic_map are created that are depicting static and dynamic obstacles separately. The results are achieved using scan matching technique. Initially environment is mapped using octomap_server.

Topic detail:

  1. Projected_map === > Environment's complete map

  2. Static_map ===> Environment's static part

  3. Dynamic_map ===> Environment's dynamic part

Working principle:

A. When an obstacle moves

  1. It is removed from static map AND

  2. It is placed on dynamic map

B. When NO obstacle moves

  1. Obstacles in static map becomes sharp gradually

  2. Obstacles in dynamic map becomes fade gradually

C. After some time, when environment is fully static

  1. Static map will be the complete map having all obstacles

  2. Dynamic map will show no obstacle

V-Rep tutorial 1: How to move cuboid on a path in V-Rep

The tutorials present how an object can be moved on the predefined path in V-Rep simulator. Steps to be followed are mentioned here.

  1. For this we first have to create a Path.

  2. Create a Cuboid in the environment

  3. Make a cuboid as a child of the Path

  4. Add a script with the cuboid for motion control

  5. Set the starting point of the cuboid

  6. Start the simulation