Music for 3rd Grade

Recorder Karate is an opportunity for 3rd graders to put in practice what they learned in last year's music class and for students to learn the basic skills needed to play a recorder.

This is a progressive recorder method that begins with the basics of note reading and assists the student in a solid beginning experience for learning to play what could be their first musical instrument.

At the heart of this method is a positive reward system in which students receive colored "karate belts" to hang from their recorders for each progressively more difficult tune.

You may now download your Recorder Ordering Form by clicking on the link, then downloading or printing from the site. You may return this form along with $6.00 during registration or the first week of school to order a recorder for your student for 2nd and 3rd grade music.

Here is a list of the Belt Degrees and Songs for Recorder Karate