Music for Pre-K, Kindergarten,

1st & 2nd Grade

This Classroom Music for Little Mozarts curriculum is designed to provide classroom music instruction for 4-, 5- and 6-year-olds in the preschool or kindergarten setting. It is a comprehensive approach to musical learning that develops singing, movement, and listening skills simultaneously with an introduction to musical styles and concepts.

GOD MADE MUSIC 1 helps children gain exposure to a wide range of musical experiences with fun songs, tunes from our American heritage, and some classical music. Student workbooks have lots of color illustrations, music for singing, and fun activities.

GOD MADE MUSIC 2 concepts include music notation, note values, note names, rhythm instruments, instruments of the orchestra (violin, bass violin, flute, bassoon, trumpet, tuba, tympani), singing, classical listening, and classical composers Mendelssohn and Strauss.