Practice at Home!

Supplemental Materials

As the year progresses, materials to extend and enrich in-class learning will be uploaded to this page. 

As the end of the year approaches, we have begun our End of Year Ukulele Jedi Challenge!

Students will progress through the levels of the Jedi, working towards completing their lightsaber, as they learn various techniques, chords, scales, and songs. 

For this I draw primarily from Canadian curriculum "Ukulele in the Classroom" developed by J. Chalmers Doane (NS)  and James Hill (BC). This is a free resource for students (with options for paid further individual study). It covers everything from learning the strings of the ukulele, their notes, scales, chording, techniques and more. There are three books of increasing difficulty in the collection. 

You can download the books for free here.

May the force be with you!


Light A Candle For Peace

UBC Alum Shelley Murley penned this song in 2008. Simply and beautifully written, DIV 2 and 4 will take the lead on this song, though all students will learn to sing it.

Coast Salish Anthem

Originally created by Chief Dan George, Tseil wau-tuth Nation,  as a prayer song while he waited for his younger brother to return safely from a hunting trip, this anthem has been gifted to all those living in the traditional territory of the Coast Salish (see this link for more).

O Canada.pptx

O Canada

We have been learning our national anthem in English and French. Here I've shared the slide show I have been using to teach it. The french text has phonetic pronuncation underneath in brackets to help you practice pronouncing the words.

Canadian Music Class Challenge