About Us

Miller School PTO - Our Mission

The Miller Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is a volunteer group of parents, teachers, and staff dedicated to improving the educational experience of all students at Rita E. Miller Elementary School.  Our goal is to be a powerful voice for all children in our school, to be a resource for families and our community,  and to help build community and enhance learning experiences. 

Miller School PTO - An Overview

We raise money via various initiatives throughout the school year and all of our funds go directly back to the students, school, and community in the form of enrichment programs, classroom supplements, and special events just for fun. 

During the 2022-2023 school year,  we raised over $13,000 from book fairs, restaurant fundraisers, movie nights, dances, the Square 1 Art fundraiser, and our first-ever read-a-thon!

All money raised allowed us to fund various projects for Miller School: sensory tool kits for each classroom, teacher appreciation events, subscriptions to fun & educational computer applications like RazKids, swings for our playground, fans for classrooms, and a variety of grade-appropriate in-school Arts & Education programs.

This year we are planning to continue our fundraising efforts in order to have two Arts & Education programs at each grade level and two whole school programs, to continue to improve our playgrounds and courtyard spaces, and to support nature/gardening after school classes for our students to enjoy. 

Everything we do is discussed at our monthly meetings, and anyone is welcome to attend these meetings and participate in this process. We work closely with the school administration, meeting once a month, usually the first Tuesday of each month for roughly an hour at 7:30 pm. Members are welcome to attend all meetings or just occasional meetings when convenient. Young children are welcome to attend the meetings too or childcare is available for K-2 students.

 Participation in the PTO is a great way to be involved in the community and your child’s educational experience. Please consider volunteering for one of our events if you can!  

Please click on the volunteer link to express your interest!  We'll get in touch with you. 

Watch for sign-up geniuses and you too can help!

2023-2024 Board

President: Christine Zarzicki-Tibbetts

Secretary: Andrea Ochoa-Caceres

Treasurer: Patricia Specoli

Arts & Education: Kristen Upham 

Yearbook Coordinator: 

Website Designer: 

Social Media Coordinator: 

Promotional Material Designer: 

Teacher Conference Dinner Coordinator: 

Boxtops for Education: 

Shoebox Recycling: