Student Voice

Relationships First

Building meaningful relationships with others is my guiding mantra for teaching and learning, and in life. Ensuring that each one of my students knows that they are truly seen and belong in my classroom is what builds a culture of learning and positive social and emotional development.

Creating engagement with the learning comes from understanding and honouring their individual identities. When I hear the words "You made math fun!", I know I'm doing my job. One boy will never forget congruency based on a "joke" I told about "raging over non-congruent pizzas".

Forming an emotional connection with the learning is what sticks and creates deep learning experiences that last a lifetime.

Building Student Relationships in Korea 2011-17

Learning and celebrating the language and culture in Korea helped me to build meaningful connections with my learners. We learned so much from one another!

The Waygook Effect (2013)

(short documentary film)

Produced with permission from the children's parents and staff at Nongong Elementary School.

This film won second prize in a city-wide video contest. It documents some of the challenges and opportunities for Korean students and foreign English teachers to make meaningful student-teacher relationships in the ESL Classroom.