Career at Scranton

In 1983 Mitchell was named "Educator of the Year" by the Pennsylvania State Senate. 

Dr. Mitchell had a very successful career whilst at the University of Scranton. He was named to numerous awards and accolades during his time at the University. He taught 28 years at Scranton and over his years he earned lots of respect from the entire english department through his work. 

·   In 1976 Dr. Mitchell received a lot of accolades including the “Who’s Who Among Black Americans’

Black Professorship in the mid to late 1900's

During the time in which Dr. Mitchell was a professor at the University it was a very hard time for African Americans to being in the education industry. This was as a result of the Brown vs Board of education in 1954. As a result of this case there was a vast increase in racism in the education industry. This made it harder for African Americans to hold positions in education. However, Dr. Mitchell stood out amongst others in his department. He had an extremely successful career despite the disadvantages he started with.