
Culper Spies (Outreach: HIS)

Lecture and interactive activity that teach students about the history of America's first spy ring on Long Island. Participants put these newly learned skills to use by solving puzzles and decoding messages found strategically throughout the library

Library Geocaching (Outreach: PED)

Created for International Games Day 2019. Students find items in the library and online to earn the coordinates to hidden caches throughout campus.

Information Science Technology

Students were introduced to vintage library technologies and antiquated artifacts to explore how the information gathering process has changed thanks to advancements in research technology.

Clue for Researchers

This interactive online mystery game designed in PowerPoint requires players to play the detective as they catch a potential plagiarizer before a source goes uncited.

Culper Spies e-Game

Based on the in-person Revolutionary War-themed scavenger hunt, this online activity required players to find information in the library's website and online catalog to help pass their secret message on through the proper spy network

HP Themed Class Activity

Students are sorted into Hogwarts houses where they compete to see who can find the correct information in the library's catalog to answer a series of Harry Potter themed questions (ongoing).

Virtual Escape Room

On online escape room that tests players' knowledge of library research skills such as catalog and database searches, proper citation, and identifying scholarly articles.

Educational Scavenger Hunts

These popular photo scavenger hunts required players to use research skills to solve puzzles. They introduced students to the library building, services, resources, and collection.

Library Board Games

Helped develop two board games that educated students about the library branches, holdings, and services. The games resembled the classic "Game of Clue" ("Where's Wolfie?") and "Trivial Pursuit" ("Not So Trivial Pursuit").

Frankenstein's Lab Escape Room

A Frankenstein's Lab themed YA escape room program that required players to use creativity, teamwork, excellent communication, time management, and problem solving skills to beat the clock and solve a series of puzzles to escape

LIS Blog

Created for a graduate course, Bibliosaurus Rex is a blog that discusses current trends in libraries. Topics range from social media & e-commerce to creating effective GIFs and podcasts.

Plot Points

An electronic guide that allows students to find and learn more about select titles in the collection. The guide contains topics and themes to help readers think critically about the text and recommends titles for research or pleasure reading purposes

Pi-Day (Outreach: MAT)

For all the mathletes: free pie and pi-themed activities, such as crossword puzzles and contests. Pi related books are displayed to draw attention to the many titles held that explore the mathematical constant and its cultural influences

Soul Book Survey

Similar to a dating app, this Valentine's Day edition online survey utilized the Myers-Briggs personality indicator to match patrons with a book whose themes or characters match qualities in their own personality