
Morning Session

8:30-9:00 Light Breakfast and Check-in

9:00-10:00 JWST Telescope and Instrument Overview

Description of the telescope, including data collection, the different instruments and modes available, the relative orientations of the instruments, and simultaneous observing capabilities.

10:00-10:30 Coffee Break

10:30-11:30 Proposal Process and Policies

Description of JWST proposal process and policies, including what is required for phase one and guidelines for submitting.

11:30-12:00 Overview of Proposal Software and Online Tools

Brief Description of JWST tools, including the helpdesk, JDox, JIST, ETC and APT.

Lunch 12:oopm-1:00pm

Afternoon Session

1:00-1:30 Optional Computer Set-Up Session

Optional Time for additional computer set-up help before afternoon session.

1:30-2:30 Guided ETC and APT Example

Walkthrough of one ETC and APT example as a group.

2:30-5:00 ETC and APT examples

Time to work on ETC and APT examples individually, with help from workshop leaders. Attendees can choose to work through examples related to NIRSpec/MOS, Imaging, IFU and Time Series.