The Mission

Jaymen C. Johnson has attended city council meetings regularly since 2013. He has addressed the council on every matter from panhandling to water rights. 

THE Mission

To bridge the gap between council member and constituent by helping to create a more inclusive dais. Opening new lines of communication and acting as a mouthpiece for the citizens of Colorado Springs. Helping constituents from corner to corner more fully understanding how the council's decisions affect the lives of our regions residents. 

I will assure that the city remains transparent and accountable taking ownership of all situations and never passing the buck.

I will be a champion for a better education for our youth, safer neighborhoods and schools, tougher penalties for crime and nuisance, preserving our precious city parks and open spaces, and community-minded infrastructure with a greater emphasis on public transit. I will reign in urban sprawl and  promote healthy sustainable development and truly affordable housing.

I will never forget the hardworking individuals, families, and communities I serve and will strive everyday to make Colorado Springs a more equitable place for all those who call it home.

 What Do I Mean By a More Inclusive DAis?

Our system is designed to hinder public involvement and restrict representation. Let me explain further. For instance, the current fee for serving on the council is approximately $6,000 per year, which comes out to a little over $500 per month. This means that individuals like mechanics, grocery store clerks, teachers, or nurses who have mortgages, car payments, and dependents would find it difficult to serve on the council unless special circumstances allow them to do so.

I believe that anyone who can manage a successful household or business possesses the necessary skills to function on the city council. However, if financial constraints prevent individuals from even considering running for office, their passion and skills become irrelevant.

The current structure impedes wider participation and limits our choices for more inclusive representation. To promote diversity and inclusion, we need to establish a livable wage for our council members.

Having a diverse city council that is reflective of the general population is important because it ensures that the council represents the perspectives and needs of all members of the community. When the council is diverse, it is more likely to consider issues that affect different segments of the population and make decisions that are equitable and just. It also promotes a sense of trust and inclusivity in the community, as all residents feel that they are represented in the governance of their municipality. Overall, a diverse city council helps to ensure effective and representative governance that serves the needs of all members of the community.


The City Council in Colorado Springs is composed of nine members, including a President and President Pro-Tem. The members are elected by district to represent different areas of the city.

WHat is the city council?

The City Council serves as the legislative and governing body for a municipality, such as a city or town. Its purpose is to enact laws and regulations, oversee municipal services, manage the budget and finances, make appointments, and engage with the community. The council is responsible for creating and approving the municipal budget and appointing individuals to various positions within the municipal government. It also serves as a forum for community engagement, providing a platform for residents to voice their concerns and offer feedback. The council's purview is limited to the municipality it governs but also works closely with other local governments and organizations to address broader community issues.

City council members should be diverse and represent the different interests and perspectives of the community. They should also possess a range of skill and experiences with varying vantage points and a wide variety of backgrounds.

Ultimately, city council members should be dedicated to serving their constituents and working collaboratively to make decisions that benefit the municipality and its residents.

Enacting laws and regulations: 

City councils are responsible for passing laws and regulations that govern the municipality. These laws cover a wide range of issues, such as zoning, taxation, public safety, and land use.

City councils play a critical role in passing laws and regulations that govern the municipality they serve. These laws and regulations are necessary to ensure the safety, welfare, and prosperity of the community.

For instance, zoning laws determine how land is used within the municipality. They dictate where commercial, residential, and industrial activities can take place. Zoning laws help maintain a balance between different land uses and protect the community from undesirable development.

Taxation laws are also essential for cities to operate and provide services to their residents. City councils are responsible for setting property tax rates and establishing other taxes, such as sales taxes and excise taxes. These revenues help fund critical services such as police and fire protection, road maintenance, and public transportation.

Public safety is another crucial issue that falls under the purview of city councils. City councils pass laws and regulations that promote public safety, such as ordinances that govern noise levels, animal control, and building codes. These laws ensure that residents can live in a safe and healthy environment.

Overall, city councils are responsible for creating laws and regulations that impact virtually every aspect of life within the municipality. By passing these laws, they help ensure the orderly and sustainable development of the community and promote the health, safety, and welfare of its residents.

Budget and finance: 

City councils are responsible for creating and approving the municipal budget, which outlines how the city's funds will be allocated.

City councils are responsible for creating and approving the municipal budget, which is a financial plan that outlines how the city's funds will be allocated to support various programs and services.

The budget is a critical tool for managing the city's finances, as it allows city officials to prioritize spending, allocate resources, and identify potential savings. City councils work with the city manager and other officials to develop a budget that meets the needs of the community while remaining fiscally responsible.

The budgeting process typically begins with the city manager presenting a proposed budget to the city council. The council reviews the proposal and holds public hearings to gather input from residents and stakeholders. They may make adjustments to the proposal before finalizing and adopting the budget.

Once approved, the budget serves as a roadmap for how the city's funds will be allocated over the coming fiscal year. It outlines the amount of money allocated to different departments and programs, such as police and fire protection, public works, and parks and recreation. It also specifies the amount of revenue the city expects to receive from various sources, such as property taxes and grants.

Overall, the city council's responsibility for creating and approving the municipal budget is critical to ensuring that the city's resources are allocated efficiently and effectively to meet the needs of the community. By prioritizing spending and allocating resources wisely, the council helps ensure that the city can continue to provide essential services to its residents while remaining financially stable.

Oversight of city services: 

City councils oversee the delivery of municipal services, such as water, sewage and public transportation. The Colorado Springs City Council also functions as the city's Utilities Board. 

City councils have a critical role in overseeing the delivery of municipal services to the community. These services include essential functions such as water supply, sewage treatment, and public transportation.

City councils are responsible for setting policies and regulations that govern how these services are provided. They work closely with city staff and service providers to ensure that the services are delivered efficiently, cost-effectively, and in accordance with community needs and expectations.

Water supply is one of the most critical services provided by municipalities. City councils are responsible for ensuring that residents have access to a safe, reliable supply of drinking water. They work with water utilities to establish policies for water treatment, conservation, and distribution.

Sewage treatment is another essential service that falls under the purview of city councils. They oversee the operation of municipal sewage treatment plants and establish policies for the collection and treatment of wastewater. These policies ensure that the community's wastewater is treated to a high standard before it is discharged into the environment.

Finally, public transportation is another essential service provided by municipalities. City councils oversee public transportation services, including buses, subways, and trains. They work with transportation providers to establish routes and schedules and ensure that services are accessible to all residents, including those with disabilities.

Overall, city councils have a vital role in overseeing the delivery of essential municipal services. By establishing policies and regulations, they help ensure that these services are delivered efficiently, cost-effectively, and in a manner that meets the needs and expectations of the community.


City councils are responsible for appointing individuals to various positions within the municipal government, including city managers, department heads, and board members.

City councils have the authority to make appointments to various positions within the municipal government. These appointments include key leadership positions such as city managers, department heads, and board members.

City managers are responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the municipality, implementing policies and programs approved by the city council, and managing city staff. The city council has the responsibility to appoint and supervise the city manager, who acts as the chief administrative officer of the municipality.

Department heads are responsible for managing specific departments within the municipal government, such as the police department, fire department, or public works department. The city council appoints department heads and oversees their performance, ensuring that the departments are effectively providing services to the community.

Board members are appointed by the city council to serve on various boards and commissions, such as planning commissions, parks and recreation commissions, and zoning boards. These boards provide advice and recommendations to the city council on various issues related to the management and development of the municipality.

Overall, the city council's responsibility for appointing individuals to key positions within the municipal government is crucial in ensuring effective and efficient governance. By appointing qualified individuals to these positions, the city council can ensure that the municipality is effectively managed and that services are delivered to the community in a manner that meets their needs and expectations.

Community engagement: 

City councils serve as a forum for community engagement, providing a platform for residents to voice their concerns, offer feedback, and provide input on municipal decisions.

City councils serve a critical role as a forum for community engagement, providing a platform for residents to voice their concerns, offer feedback, and provide input on municipal decisions. This is perhaps the council's most important role because it ensures that the community's needs and perspectives are represented in the decision-making process.

Through public meetings, hearings, and other forms of engagement, city councils provide a forum for residents to participate in the governance of their community. They listen to public input and feedback, which helps them to better understand the community's priorities and concerns. This input is then used to inform the council's decisions, policies, and programs.

Community engagement also helps to build trust and transparency in the municipal government. When residents feel that they have a voice in the decision-making process, they are more likely to support the decisions made by the council. This, in turn, helps to strengthen the relationship between the municipal government and the community.

In addition to providing a forum for community engagement, city councils also have a responsibility to educate the public about municipal issues and decisions. They must ensure that residents are informed about the issues facing their community, the options being considered, and the potential impact of decisions. This education helps residents to make informed decisions and to participate more effectively in the decision-making process.

Overall, the role of city councils as a forum for community engagement is essential in ensuring effective and representative governance. By providing a platform for residents to voice their concerns, offer feedback, and provide input, city councils can ensure that the community's needs and perspectives are represented in the decisions that affect their lives.

What is a "Strong Mayor"

A strong mayor system is a form of government in which the mayor holds significant executive power over the municipality, often having the authority to veto legislation passed by the city council and to hire and fire department heads. In a strong mayor system, the mayor is often seen as the chief executive of the municipality and has the ability to set policy and direction for the city.

One of the main downsides of a strong mayor system is that it can lead to a concentration of power in the hands of one person, which can result in a lack of checks and balances on their authority. This can lead to decisions being made without adequate input from other elected officials or the community, which can result in policies that do not reflect the needs and priorities of the municipality as a whole.

Another downside of a strong mayor system is that it can lead to political polarization and gridlock, as the mayor and city council may have different visions for the direction of the municipality. This can result in the mayor using their veto power to block legislation passed by the council, which can hinder the ability of the council to govern effectively.

Additionally, a strong mayor system can create a lack of accountability, as the mayor may not be subject to the same level of oversight as other elected officials. This can result in a lack of transparency and a decrease in public trust in the government.

Another downside of a strong mayor system is that it can create a situation where special interests are able to exert undue influence on the mayor, potentially leading to policies that benefit those interests over the needs and priorities of the municipality as a whole. This can result in a lack of transparency and accountability, as the mayor may be more susceptible to coercion by special interests without proper checks and balances in place. Overall, while a strong mayor system can provide strong executive leadership, it can also have significant downsides if not balanced with adequate oversight and accountability measures to prevent undue influence by special interests. 

Overall, while a strong mayor system can provide strong executive leadership, it can also have significant downsides if not balanced with adequate checks and balances on the mayor's authority. In a strong mayor system, city council serves as that checks and balance to ensure that the mayor's power is in harmony with the interests and needs of the community.