
About me

I am an RTG postdoc at the University of Oregon working with Patricia Hersh. I work in combinatorics, both on purely combinatorial problems as well as on problems with connections to other areas such as algebra, geometry, topology, computer science, and physics.

Previously I was a Visiting Assistant Professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia and before that a York Science Fellow at York University in Toronto where I worked with Nantel Bergeron. I received my PhD in Mathematics from Michigan State University where I was advised by Michael Shapiro. I did my undergraduate studies at the University of  Minnesota-Twin Cities and completed an Honors Thesis with Victor Reiner.

Email: johnmach@uoregon.edu

Other Places to find me on the Internet:


I am currently co-organizing the Cascade Lectures in Combinatorics (CALICO) with Patricia Hersh and Ben Young.

Mathematical Genealogy

My advisor is Mikhail Z. Shapiro , my mathematical grandfather is Vladimir I. Arnold , my mathematical great grandfather is Andrei N. Kolmogorov, and further ancestors can be found via the Mathematics Genealogy Project link above.

Erdös number

My Erdös number is 3. I have collaborated with Nantel Bergeron on MR3960512 who has collaborated with Persi W. Diaconis on MR2880223  who has himself directly collaborated with Paul Erdös  on MR2126886.