Residential Living/Family Room Cleaning Services

"A Clean Home is a Happy Home"

Your family room is a well-used space in your home. It’s where everyone goes to relax after a long day and watch a favorite TV show. The family room is also for entertaining — an indoor playdate for the kids or adults enjoying conversation after a busy week.

With all of the activity that takes place in your family room or living room, it requires frequent cleaning. Floors can attract crumbs, dirt, and debris and need to be swept, vacuumed, and mopped. Dust accumulates on tabletops, shelves, decorative accents, and even lampshades. The crevices of sofas, love seats, and chairs can be a hiding spot for crumbs. You might even notice cobwebs in the corners if you can't keep up with a regular cleaning routine.

To help you relax and have more leisure time, contact JLoso's to help with family room cleaning services. We understand that your life is busy and you simply might not have time to thoroughly clean your family room every day, much less every week. JLoso's Cleaning can tackle your living room with our top-down cleaning approach. Our staff gives your home a detailed cleaning, so that no corner is overlooked.

Family room cleaning services are available on a schedule that works best for you. Perhaps you need to refresh your living room before a party and prefer a one-time cleaning. Maybe you know that your full schedule doesn't leave time for detailed cleaning, and you want us to clean your space every week, every other week, or every month. We can design a cleaning schedule that works for your unique needs and relieves you of the burden of cleaning your family room.

Contact JLoso's today for a free estimate. to learn more about living room cleaning services, as well as many other available services designed to simplify your life