Refrigerator Cleaning Services

It can be difficult enough to keep up with tidying bedrooms, doing laundry and cleaning the kitchen on a regular basis, which means some areas of your home might get less attention than they need. One of these hotspots is the inside of your refrigerator.

Over time, it’s inevitable that liquids spill inside the fridge, and somehow bits of vegetables or herbs manage to sneak their way into corners and cracks. As the refrigerator is where you store the food you’re going to eat, it needs to be cleaned out so that unwelcome mold or bacteria don’t start growing inside. Additionally, if you have house guests coming to visit, the last thing you want is for them to open the fridge for a soda and see dried bits of kale and sticky orange juice spills.

Though refrigerator cleaning isn’t included in JLoso's routine housekeeping offerings, we can definitely take care of this task for you.

To help us perform this additional cleaning service to the best of our abilities, we do ask that you purge the inside of your fridge of any expired items before we arrive. Our professional housekeepers will then remove each and every item from your refrigerator shelves. Next, the shelves will be taken out so they can be washed, rinsed and dried. The same thing goes for your refrigerator drawers. We’re thorough.

After wiping down the inside of your fridge to remove any last traces of spills, crumbs and food particles, we replace everything: drawers, shelves and all the items we removed at the start of our cleaning.

Tired of saying you’ll finally clean the fridge next week? Contact your local JLoso's Cleaning and let us tackle that chore so you can spend time doing things you enjoy.

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