PhD students and postdocs

past, present and future

Prospective PhD students

I am happy to supervise PhD projects in: tropical geometry and algebra, topological data analysis, and low-dimensional topology.

PhD funding

We regularly have fully-funded PhD scholarships in Durham (although these are usually restricted to UK students only)Please contact me if you are interested in working with me in an area related to my research interests (tropical geometry, topological data analysis, other aspects of topology). The application deadline for funding is mid-September each year.

Externally funded and self-funded students: I am always happy to receive applications from self-funded and externally funded prospective PhD students. If you are interested in working with me then please get in touch.  For UK residents, the tuition fees for a PhD are currently approximately £4k per year.  For non-UK students, the fees are approximately £25k per year.

International students: If you are interested in using topological data analysis to study problems in physics, there is an opportunity to work with Biagio Lucini (at Swansea) and me. Please get in touch with Prof. Lucini or me as soon as possible.  The closing date is 15 July.  Note:  This award is worth approximately £20k/year and reduces the international fees down to the UK fee level.  It does not include a stipend.

Tropical algebra and geometry

Tropical geometry is a young subject halfway between discrete mathematics (combinatorics) and algebraic geometry.  My contribution has been to introduce a scheme-theoretic foundation for the subject, where we study the geometry of systems of polynomial equations defined over idempotent semirings such as the real numbers with the max-plus operations.  This is a very exciting young area, with lots of activity and hundreds of interesting open questions.

Topological data analysis

I am part of the EPSRC-funded Oxford-Liverpool-Swansea Centre for Topological Data Analysis. Modern science and technology generate data at an unprecedented rate. A major challenge is that this data is often complex, high dimensional and may include temporal and/or spatial information. The 'shape' of the data can be important but it is difficult to extract and quantify it using standard machine learning or statistical techniques. For example, an image of blood vessels near a tumour looks very different to an image of healthy blood vessels; statistics alone cannot quantify this difference. New shape analysis methods are required. The aim of this centre is to build on current persistent homology tools, extending them theoretically, computationally, and adapting them for practical applications. 

Current students in our group

Ziva Urbancic (PhD, started October 2020)

Ziva is working with Yue Ren and myself in on topics at the interface of machine learning, topological data analysis, and tropical geometry. Current projects include work on directed topology, tropical geometry of feed-forward neural networks, and analysis of gene expression data.

Iolo Jones (PhD, started October 2021)

Iolo is working on several projects: applications of tropical geometry to deep learning, and category theoretic perspectives in symbolic deep learning.  He has been collaborating closely with Hylomorph Solutions.  His current main project is about the computational differential geometry of data.  He provides a new suite of numerical tools for exploring geometric features of data sets, with applications to machine learning.

Xavier Crean (PhD, started October 2022)

Xavier was an undergraduate in physics at Durham.  He is doing his PhD based at Swansea, co-supervised between Biagio Lucini and me.  He will be exploring applications of topological data analysis tools to studying dynamical aspects of topological defects in quantum field theory, particularly abelian monopoles.

David Lanners (PhD, started October 2023

David studied physics and mathematics at ETH in Zurich.  He is co-supervised by Tin Sulejmanpasic and joins the collaboration with Biagio Lucini.  He has been exploring the role of monopoles in the phase structure of Z/n lattice gauge theories and structure of emergent symmetries.

Current postdocs and research fellows in our group

Oliver Clarke (Postdoc, starting December 2024)

Ollie was previously a postdoc with Dimitra Kosta in Edinburgh and has a background in computational aspects of tropical and algebraic geometry. He will be working as part of the EPSRC-funded Erlangen Hub for the Mathematical Foundations of AI.  Together, we plan to investigate tropical and non-archimedean geometry in machine learning.

Victoria Schleis (postdoc, from June 2024)

Victoria will be funded by Yue Ren's UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship and will be working on computational aspects of tropical and non-archimedean geometry.

Past members

Xuan Gao (PhD, submitted December 2023)

Xuan worked on aspects of tropical geometry with higher rank valuations.

Ximena Fernandez (Postdoc, 2020 - 2023)

Ximena came from University of Beunos Aires.  She has interests in topological data analysis, dynamical systems, combinatorial topology, and applications to neuroscience.  She has been using topological data analysis to study the function of grid cells in brains and to detect the onset of epileptic seizures.  She will soon be a lecturer at City University of London.

Nicholas Sale (PhD, submitted sumer 2022)

Nick is currently working in ML R&D for ASML. He did his PhD at Swansea co-supervised by Biagio Lucini and me.  His work examined the use of persistent homology in the analysis of phase transitions in statistical physics systems. He has studied the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in the XY model and then the deconfinement transition in SU(2) and SU(3) gauge theory.  

James Maxwell (PhD, submitted summer 2022)

James is currently a Heilbronn research fellow at Bristol.  He did his MSc thesis under my supervision in 2018, and continued on to do a PhD with me.  His work examines various aspects of hyperfields and tropical geometry. He is currently thinking about tropical ideals, and convexity over hyperfields. 

Stefano Mereta (PhD, submitted spring 2022)

Stefano started October 2018, jointly supervised by Andrea Pulita in Grenoble.  His project developed links between the theory of tropical algebraic differential equations and p-adic differential equations. He went on to a postdoc at the MPI in Leipzig, and is now a postdoc at KTH in Stockhom.  He wrote these two papers while a student with me.

Tak-Shing Chan (postdoc, 2019 - 2021)

Tak-Shing was a postdoc in our Topological Data Analysis Group.  He worked on applications of TDA and machine learning to statistical physics systems and phase transitions, as well as developing software tools in TDA.

Niklas Hellmer (PhD, based in Swansea January to September 2020)

Niklas did his masters degree in topology at Bonn.  He was with our group for 9 months, co-supervised by Pawel Dlotko and me. Pawel moved to the Dioscuri Institute in Warsaw to lead a new TDA centre there, and Niklas transferred to continue working with Pawel.  His work has been primarily on metrics for persistent homology coming from probability theory.  He also devoted significant effort to a Covid19 database project.

Kayleigh Ward (PhD, 2016 - 2020)

Kayleigh worked in tropical geometry.  Her project was to investigate the information content of tropical ideals and tropical schemes (of Maclagan-Rincon and Giansiracusa-Giansiracusa), and in particular, to study the extent to which these structures encode the valuation of the j-invariant for elliptic curves and the valuation of the discriminant for low degree hypersurfaces.  Kayleigh passed her viva on 27 March 2020.

Ramses Fernandez Valencia (PhD, 2012 - 2015)

On 6 August 2015 my first PhD student, Ramses Fernandez-Valencia, successfully defended his thesis Topics in 2-dimensional topological conformal field theories.   His work at Swansea was funded by my EPSRC grant. While working with me he wrote four papers:

Ramses is currently working as a researcher in post-quantum cryptography within the IT Security Department at Eurecat in Barcelona.