
Do you need help editing your piece?

Perfecting it for publication? Or just need help with word placement or phrasing or grammar?

I offer editing services to people who need help editing their pieces! I edit singular prose, singular poetry, singular essays, full poetry chapbook manuscripts, full book manuscripts, and more! Sliding scale $5-$20 a page or $50-$100 for manuscripts but I am flexible if you need help. If you're interested, fill out the contact form on the contact page! Average completion time: 4-6 weeks depending on the length of the work and the type of feedback you're looking for!

Beta Reading

Do you need your manuscript beta read?

Need someone to read over your manuscript to see if everything flows? Or if a character feels out of place?

I offer beta reading services to those who need their manuscript read with a fresh pair of eyes! $50 per manuscript but I am flexible if you need help. If you're interested, you can fill out the contact form on the contact page! Average completion time: 6-8 weeks depending on the length of the work and the type of feedback you're looking for!