Policies and Procedures

Checking Out Books

Students may check out the number of books according to grade level.

Kindergarten & 1st grade 1 book

2nd grade 2 books

3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th grade 3 books

All books are due after 2 weeks and may be renewed once. Playaway audiobooks and Guinness World Record books may not be renewed.


The library environment is a place of quiet productivity where all users show respect to one another. Students will be doing research, working together in makerspaces, receiving instruction, or hearing a story. Remember to keep voices low, walk at all times, and please ask for help if needed. Students will respect library property including computers, books, and furniture. After two warnings, students are excluded from activities until they are asked to rejoin. At the very last offense, students will be sent to the office to speak with administration.

Posted Library Rules

1. Use quiet voices.

2. Make safe choices.

3. Show good effort.

4. Work together.

5. Be a good listener.

Overdue Materials

Students who have books overdue will receive overdue notices for a first, second, and final time. Fines are assigned to any overdue books that have Final notices. When any books are overdue by one or more days, a student may not check out any books until the fine is paid. A fine is also given for any damaged materials which are judged on a case by case basis.