
Please get in touch to discuss graduate student opportunities in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Penn State. Broad research topics include sediment transport, geomorphology, hydraulic resistance, and experimental methods. Our emphasis will be in cold regions and the impacts of a changing landscape, due to climate change, on water infrastructure and the well-being of the communities that rely on it.

When reaching out, make sure to include a CV and brief description of your experiences and, most importantly, your interests. I realize that not everyone has had access to the same opportunities, and I am committed to help remove barriers. The research group will be grounded in the principles of equity, diversity, inclusion, and justice, and it will foster a sense of belonging within the group and the broader Water Resources area of CEE at Penn State.

For more information about the department please follow this link.

For more information about the application process please follow this link.

Reach out before applying!