Frequently Asked Questions

The Basics

What does Friends and Family Meal do?

We provide nutrient rich bags of cook-able groceries to hospitality workers put out of work by Covid-19.

What type of foods will I get in my bag?

What we offer will change week to week. You’ll get a combination of grains, beans, root vegetables, and hearty greens. We do not generally distribute meat.

How does Friends and Family Meal accomplish its mission?

Through partnership with beverage companies and personal donations, we have been able to purchase produce in bulk from local farmers.

Using a team of volunteers, comprised almost entirely of recently unemployed hospitality workers, we portion out nutrient rich bags of at least 2,500 calories.

We then deliver them to various pick-up locations throughout the DC area in order to increase accessibility.

How do I get food if I need it?

Sign up on our home page. Pick a day and location and we will have a bag ready. If you can’t make the trip, choose that option and we will get a bag to you at your home.

What information will I need to give to sign-up?

Name, email address, place of employment before Covid-19, your job title, any dependents, allergies, and preferred pick-up day and location. We do not share personal information.

What measures are you taking to ensure the safety of your operations and delivery?

We operate out of a central location and sterilize all surfaces regularly and usually have less than five volunteers. When bagging food we sanitize our hands and use food safe nitrile gloves. At the pick-up locations, we sanitize hands regularly and check in daily with volunteers to ensure that they are asymptomatic and have not been exposed to anyone who has tested positive.

I love what you all are doing; how can I spread the word?

Follow us on Instagram @friendsandfamilymeal. If you are in the service industry of DC join us on our Facebook group “Friends and Family Meal”

How can I volunteer?

Please send an email to

What happens to my donated funds?

At this time, Friends and Family Meal is completely volunteer driven and distributing 100% of every dollar to getting groceries to hospitality professionals. As we grow, financial transparency will always be a top priority, with the goal of dedicating every cent out of every dollar directly to relief efforts.