Create Native App

The other day, I wanted to read my Amazon Kindle eBook, but as you know there is not a native app for Ubuntu. Wine gave up on me as well! Then in a quick internet search I stumbled upon a github repository. It absolutely blew my mind! It is written in Node.js (In other words, it can run on Linux, Windows or even macOS). It does use Wine, but that is not even the exciting part. The amazing part is, the app "will intelligently attempt to determine the app name, your OS and processor architecture, among other options"! It is called Nativefier.

There isn't a native Linux app for something. Now what? Install Wine? Wine is decent, but it doesn't always work :-/

Here is what I did to install Native Kindle Cloud Reader on Ubuntu:

There isn't a native Linux app for something. Now what? Install Wine? Wine is decent, but it doesn't always work :-/

  1. Install Node.js
  2. Install Node Package Manager (npm)
  3. npm install nativefier -g
  4. cd into a directory you want your app installed into.
  5. nativefier "" --name "Kindle" -p linux -a x64
  6. Open the folder and, you should see "kindle" executable.

There you have it! You can even put Kindle icon (download), if you would like. Just add the --icon argument followed by the path to the image
