"You can't get very far until you start doing something for somebody else."

Melvin Jones (1879-1961), Founder of Lions Clubs International

"Where There's A Need, There's A Lion"

On April 14, 1961, in Cumming, Georgia, the Forsyth County Lions Club was chartered for the purpose of serving our local community by helping low-income Cumming-Forsyth County receive access to quality vision and hearing care and meeting other humanitarian needs within the community.

The Forsyth County Lions Club, along with several other local civic and service organizations and the Forsyth County Parks and Recreation Department, started a local Miracle League to provide physically and mentally challenged people of all ages a safe and spirited program in which they can hit, run, and catch on a baseball field.

As a Lions Clubs International Centennial Legacy Project, the Forsyth County Lions Club built a Braille Trail at Fowler Park. The trail is a 375-foot by 6-foot (114 m x 2 m) mulch-paved trail with several signs in English and Braille and two (2) butterfly gardens containing native plants that attract pollinators. All are welcome to visit and walk along the trail.

Throughout the year, we engage in various fundraising events to help provide vision and hearing care to low-income uninsured Cumming-Forsyth County residents

Our fundraisers also benefit the following charitable organizations...

Club members also serve the Cumming-Forsyth County community in other ways, including but not limited to...

  • Conducting vision screenings at local events.

  • Collecting non-perishable food for distribution to local food pantries.

  • Providing holiday assistance to needy families.