Version 1

Excelsior, Hood, Repulse

The battered Enterprise returns to spacedock immediately following the events of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. Waiting there is The Great Experiment - the USS Excelsior, NX-2000. The NX denoting exerimental.

The Enterprise crew have mixed opinions about the new ship, but all seem impressed.

Even fans did not agree. Some love it, some hate it.

And when Star Trek returned for a fourth film, Excelsior was there again.

And then Paramount announced a new TV series. It was to be set in the future. When it premiered, we found that an Excelsior Class ship, the USS Hood, NCC-2541, had delivered the other half of the crew to Farpoint Station. The model was completely remarked for the appearance, with the registry replaced in 6 locations and the name in 3. As can be seen in some of the pictures, the main markings changed from movie black to TNG dark blue.

For the Second Season of The Next Generation, she was back, this time as the USS Repulse, NCC-2544. While for her role as the Hood, they changed everything, it appears that they only changed the markings on top of the saucer. When The Child came out in HD, the Hood's registry can be seen on the Repulse's warp engines.

And after so many appearances and some good years of service, it was time for a refit.