Exhibit Nine

Redlining: Layers


This design could be used as a cover for a media brief about Redlining on YouTube, another Video Medium, or a statement alone. Imposing a Black Woman on worn down brick apartments is meant to abstractly tempt a consumer to think about the concept of redlining. "Redlining is the practice of denying a creditworthy applicant a loan for housing in a certain neighborhood even though the applicant may otherwise be eligible for the loan. The term refers to the presumed practice of mortgage lenders of drawing red lines around portions of a map to indicate areas or neighborhoods in which they do not want to make loans." Fair Housing Act

Historically, redlining happened on the basis of communities segregated on race, creating a a legacy of oppression in housing oppression. This image hopes to envision this concept and the fact that people are still reaping the impacts of these decisions today.


  • Repetition: Color is the main repetition element in this design with the color of the text being drawn from the color of the brick. The black of the rectangle tying together the strong blacks of the piece together. There is also strong repetition in the blacks and whites of the piece in general, almost glowing outside what would normally be a simple brick building.

  • Alignment: The alignment in this piece is quite centered even with the strong left alignment of the rectangle and wording. The word still is centered within the rectangle and then within that centers and aligns to the eye and general center point of the piece. The eye is aligned front and center of the piece to draw the consumer in. Redlining is the anchor to the side, giving the piece a concept, but on its own, the woman stands on her own ground aligning with the center of the image and the brightest of the windows to make a statement of its own.

  • Color: This piece uses a dark color scheme influenced by the brick and the imposed image. However, there is still light shining through. It is meant to represent People of Color and the look of Redlined Communities, but also the beauty of multiple colors and diversity in our world.

  • Contrast: The main contrast in this piece is the hoop earring against the many lines of the piece. It catches the consumer's eye to place an emphasis on the imposed persona within the piece. It can't be missed because of it's light coloring, as well.

  • Font Choice: Lato Regular; Centered with eye level of photo and assist of kerning.

Photoshop Skills Used:

  • Layers to impose the photo of the Woman over the apartments: Gaussian Blur, Displace Layer, Multiply, and Color Overlays

  • Masking to edit the photo of the Woman to choose the particular features; Transform to place it on the apartments in preferred manner

  • Curves to add contrast after photo imposing

  • Simple rectangle, kerning, eyedropper, and text to add border feature to the left of image


Original Photo

Original Photo