Class Expectations

Our Goal in class is to ensure that every student feels supported and able to learn. Behaviors that hold back that goal need to be addressed. Below, you can read:

  1. Our Classroom Behavior Expectations

  2. Our Classroom Community Expectations

  3. A Copy of our Class Syllabus, which includes a detailed discussion of the NYMS behavior policy

If you have questions about a behavior or intervention, please feel free to reach out by email at or by completing the Contact the Teacher form on this site.

Behavior Expectations:

  • Be on time and go straight to your seat when arriving to class. Follow the instructions on the board to begin work.

  • Follow directions the first time they are given.

  • Speak when you are called upon. Otherwise, raise your hand.

  • Cell phones should be put away and silent during class.

  • Be constructive and kind. Respect the needs, personal space, and possessions of your classmates.

  • Come to class prepared. If you do not have what you need, let me know quickly so we can find a solution.

  • Use appropriate language. Any language that is unkind, excludes other students, or or violates school behavioral standards is not appropriate for our classroom.

  • Use your technology appropriately. Refer to the Student Handbook for more details.

Community Expectations:

  • Do not come to school if you are sick. Let a parent or guardian know if you are sick before you come to school.

  • Keep your hands clean. If you touch your mouth or nose, please clean your hands before touching something another person could also touch or use.

  • Follow bathroom policies: Go quickly and quietly; Wash your hands before you return; Leave the bathroom clean.

  • Give your classmates & teacher physical space. Avoid touching the possessions or materials of others.

  • Do not eat in the classroom unless express permission has been given by the teacher.

  • If you need to cough or sneeze, cover your mouth and immediately clean your hands.

  • Do not touch the teacher's personal items, including items on my desk and white board markers and erasers.

Note: I appreciate you being conscious of cleanliness in our classroom, especially if you are feeling unwell. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and take medicine that suppresses my immune system. This means I can get sick very easily and can stay sick for a long time before I get better. When you follow these policies, you help protect me and others from getting sick.