COMP 180: Computing and Data Analysis for the Sciences

Project Presentation

(5 pts, slides due Mar 30, presentation on Apr 1, 3 and 5)

The final presentation is your chance to show off what you’ve done to the class. Be sure to include all components of an effective presentation, including motivation for your project, the goals, resources you used, and choices you made along the way.

Total Length

15 - 20 minutes including time for follow-up questions.

Presentation Slides

Prepare your presentation slides. Submit them via Sakai under the Project Presentation assignment folder by Mar 30. Format as a PDF, ideally.

Motivation and Delivery

The reason for your project should be clear from the beginning. In general, aim to communicate. Speak clearly, and emphasize the important points – context, content, and conclusion style. Avoid excessive detail. Motivate everything you say. Speak more to what they would want to know about the workings of your projects, rather than an incoherent laundry list of what you’ve done.


You need to be able to demonstrate your project’s result to the class. Functionality can be minimal, but a substantial, coherent portion of what you originally intended should be working. You will need to run your code running in front of the class in some way to receive full credit.


Let everyone know about the design of your project. Were there any particularly important design decisions? Give a brief version history if possible. Share any interesting, relevant anecdotes about the design approach while completing your project that others would find helpful.