Joining the Registry

Joining the registry is easy and free! Just follow the steps below.

  1. Text 'TulaneCures' to 61474 or click this link to start filling out the information.
  2. You will be asked to fill out some demographic and health information to determine if you are eligible for the registry. Note that you cannot be over 40 years old at the time of joining the registry.
  3. You will need to provide an address for your swab kit to be mailed to.
  4. Once you receive your kit in the mail, follow the directions to swab the inside of your cheeks.
  5. Send back your completed kit (postage is paid). It will take approximately 6-8 weeks for your sample to undergo HLA typing.
  6. You will receive confirmation via email once you are officially on the registry and you will receive a registry member card in the mail.

Things to Consider Before Joining

  • Think carefully before joining the registry. Make sure you are committed to donating and will follow through with the process if selected. Though there is a small chance that you will be selected, you may be a patient's only hope if you are selected.
  • The donation process occurs over many weeks and various appointments to determine whether you are the best match for a particular patient. Make sure you are able to take time off of work or school to get to these appointments. Note that Be The Match covers all costs required to get to appointments and the donation site if chosen.