Reflexive insulations(continue)


Reflective multilayer and bubble: insulators composed of one or more layers.

In the case of multi-facet, it incorporates wadding and froth inside, while on account of air pocket, the aluminum covers a construction of polyethylene bubbles. One of its primary benefits is its decreased thickness, which makes it an optimal answer for putting under covering, under plasterboard structures and under slanting rooftops. Furthermore, it is antiallergic and simple to introduce. Its quality increases with then number of layers and with the nature of the aluminum and the layers of wadding and inward air pocket.

Choose the thickness of the thermal insulation

The technical building code increases the base insulation by geographical area and by spot of establishment in the dwellings. This obligatory rule prompts an increment in insulation thickness in the different pieces of the house.

What does the R of insulation mean: It is a trait of materials, which gauges the resistance of the material to the passage of hotness: the higher the worth, the seriously protecting limit the material will have. This thermal resistance is estimated in m2 * k/W and relates the thickness of the item and its thermal conductivity.

Lambda demonstrates the thermal conductivity of a material. It is autonomous of the thickness and just relies upon the sort of material. The lower it is, the seriously protecting limit the material will have. The encasings have ? = 0.028 - 0.040 around, W/m * k is estimated.

Another snippet of data to consider is the thermal conveyance (U) which is estimated in W / m2 * k. It is how much hotness that goes through a material or a progression of materials (divider).

On account of a divider, it is the amount of the thermal resistances of the multitude of materials or layers that create it.

Choose insulation by establishment mode(υγρομονωση)

Profiles (secures): it includes screwing wooden or metal secures to the divider, from the roof to the floor, leaving a distance of somewhere in the range of 40 and 60 cm between the board and the strip. Cut the insulation sheets to measure and paste them to the divider with a unique paste .

Between block facade: the insulation is set in the subsequent hole between one block facade and another. It is prescribed to involve a reasonable grasp glue or paste for every one of the separators.

Sticking: it is stuck straightforwardly to the divider with a particular contact cement. Spread the cement with a spatula or brush and let it dry as long as the maker demonstrates.

How might the insulation be done off?

There are different choices:

With plasterboard : the boards or rolls are set stuck and under metal profiles screwed to the floor and roof (a good ways off of 60 cm among studs) and uprights that are fitted and screwed to the profiles. The plasterboard or wood are then cut, wedged between the profiles and screwed to the studs. At long last, the joints between plates are covered with joint glue and paper tape and sanded.

With frieze (wood, pvc ...). It comprises of covering the insulation with a wooden or PVC frieze.

You can choose between different establishment strategies (with nails, staples, cuts ...) that fix the frieze supports to the wooden strips.

With paint , backdrop or leave it in sight. A few materials, for example, stopper permit a basic completion: from painting it straightforwardly to leaving it noticeable as another ornamental component.(ανακαινιση κουζινασ)