Hot stones for massages(continue)

A good preparation(μασαζ αθηνα)

Hot stones for massages.

The technique provides muscle relaxation and reduces pressure, as well as further developing blood course.

The lighting of the space where the massage will be performed is essential to produce a wonderful environment. A delicate light (not totally faint) will be the most demonstrated. It will welcome relaxation, quiet and tranquility that the individual necessities to such an extent.

Obviously, the room shouldn't just have delicate lighting. However, it ought to likewise be agreeable, with the right temperature. Never too hot or too cold and ideally very much ventilated with the goal that the individual doesn't feel a "charged climate".

In like manner, the acoustics of the space will be vital. It ought to be where outside sounds don't infiltrate effectively or strongly. In this line, you can pick instrumental music and play it at a low volume (like white or pink commotion).

You can likewise softly fragrance the space with a gentle scent. To do this, make it a point to use essential oils or child colognes. Obviously, individual fragrances or others of those generally referenced are not suggested in that frame of mind; since they over-burden the climate.

Ointments and essential oils

Saturating milks and light creams are great for relaxing massages since they mellow the grinding with the skin. With respect to essential oils, as per a review done by a few specialists in the United States , they enjoy a few benefits: they are consumed gradually, diminish irritation and reactivate dissemination.

It is fitting to take a couple of drops of the item and circulate them on the centers of your hands prior to beginning to convey it in the space where you will work. Chamomile, eucalyptus, rosemary, orchid, sandalwood, mint, lemon, rose , lavender, and bergamot are viewed as best for this cycle. Every one of them have extremely wonderful fragrances.

Methods for giving relaxing massages (μασάζ κατ' οίκον)

First time in the spa: what you ought to remember.

Remember that assuming aggravation is caused during the massage, something is off-base. It will cause strain in the individual and the relaxing impact will be lost. To keep away from this present circumstance, it is ideal to consider the accompanying viewpoints:

With regards to a relaxing massage, the tension and movements ought not be excessively extreme. They should continuously be delicate and apply controlled strain on unambiguous focuses.

Slow, consistent movements are the key. Conversely, an uncommon change in musicality makes a "goodness" impact that causes strain in the muscles and upsets relaxation.

The hands ought not be isolated from the individual's body during the massage for significant stretches of time, since the coherence of touch is important for what advances help.

The individual giving the massage should likewise be loose, with a decent demeanor, in a quiet state, and without negative contemplations.


By and large, the relaxing massage is second to none purposes 4-5 sorts of body control (which can be called the two techniques and movements or moves). Call attention to what each one of them consists of and how they are completed:

The emptying: it comprises of a progression of movements from the middle to the limits, from base to top. Rehash for three minutes down the back.

The motions: they are movements from the middle outwards, and make a relaxing difference. They ought to be rehashed somewhere in the range of two and three minutes on the back.

The slides: they likewise go from the middle outwards. Yet they convey more strain and are synchronized with the breath.

The thumbs: they are likewise conclusive in a relaxing massage. The main thing is to place tension with them in the focal point of the section. Afterward, it diminishes as the massage closes. Also, they shouldn't surpass three minutes by the same token. (ΑΝΕΡΓΙΑ)