Questions and Answers

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Questions and Answers throughout the conference will be updated and posted here!

Q: The NCCC rules state that a maximum of 10 participants may register for the competition. Does that apply to the North Central Conference as well?

A: Page 4 of the 2020 NCCC states: " A team may register up to a maximum of five (5) male and five (5) female participants. Registered participants are eligible to present at the Technical Presentation and/or participate in the prototype race demonstration. Substitutions will be allowed up to the time of on-site registration. No substitutions shall be permitted after on-site registration has been completed. Each team shall designate two (2) registered participants as team captains."

This means that the only people who can participate in the concrete canoe competition presentations and race day paddling are those 10 registered participants. However, in the past, other teams have brought more than just 10 people to the conference. Faculty, ASCE members, surveying competition competitors, or concrete canoe members who are not participating in the concrete canoe competition are still welcome to come, they just cannot participate in the presentations or race day events of the concrete canoe competition (but they can still be there).