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2020 Conference is Cancelled

Hello Conference Schools,

I apologize for the lack of communication this week. A lot of decisions and scenarios have been discussed here at ONU for the 2020 North Central Conference and unfortunately, we have decided to cancel the conference entirely due to the coronavirus. I understand that everyone has been working hard and putting in a lot of time and effort for this. But given that there is a lot of transitioning to online academics, our ASCE officers have decided not to host a virtual conference either. Since ONU’s campus is shutting down, our officers cannot collaborate in person any longer and it would be a big challenge to set up everything. We are going to refund everyone as much as possible and we’re already in the process of doing so.

Please email me and David Johnstone, d-johnstone@onu.edu, if you have questions or concerns.

Hope Williamson

2020 North Central Conference Chair