Information & Evaluations

Charter and Partner School Performance Monitoring

The Office of Charter & Partner Schools, in collaboration with the National Association of Charter School Authorizers (NACSA), developed a comprehensive Performance Framework to ensure that each and every APS-approved charter and partner school is serving students with a high-quality public education. The Performance Framework sets the academic, school climate, fiscal, organizational and governance standards by which APS-approved charter and partner schools will be evaluated. Reflecting the unique goals and requirements of their contracts with the district, there is one Performance Framework for charter schools and another for partner schools.

Click here to download a copy of the SY22-23 Charter and Partner Schools Annual Report which includes a profile of each APS-approved charter and partner school and the school's performance relative to the Performance Framework. The appendix to the report contains the specifics of each Performance Framework, including a detailed breakdown of the indicators and measures aligned to the performance standards and the sources of data used to monitor performance and compliance.

SY23-24 Charter and Partner Schools Calendar

APS charter and partner schools have the flexibility to set their own student and staff calendars.  Based on calendars submitted by schools, this one-page calendar consolidates key dates (first/last day of school, teacher planning days, holiday breaks) for all charter and partner schools. 

Please note: the dates on this calendar are subject to change by a school.

Key School-Based Contacts

Atlanta Public Schools staff only can access a listing of current key school-based staff contacts at APS charter and partner schools hereNote: Must be logged into APS Google account to view