
PAJLS Vol. 18 - Summer 2017

Charlotte Eubanks, Editor

Kyle Posey, Associate Editor

Front Matter, including a preface by Charlotte Eubanks, with Jonathan E. Abel, Reiko Tachibana, and Ran Zwigenberg

Charlotte Eubanks, Jonathan E. Abel, Reiko Tachibana, Ran Zwigenberg

Traversing a world of moonlight and blossoms: Tagami Kikusha’s Fifty-Three Stations of the Tōkaidō Haiga (haikai paintings)

Cheryl Crowley

Brief history of the kōtakusei: Japanese immigrants in the state of Amazonas, Brazil

Michele Eduarda Brasil de Sá

Textuality and its material display in the Taima-dera jikkai-zu byōbu

Monika Dix

Manga visuals in Latin America: gender diversity beyond the panel

Camila Gutierrez

A legend of regret: fallen kingdoms and postcolonial ghosts in Twilight Princess

Kathryn Hemmann

The art of crafting an image of modern Japanese literature: the use of visual images to promote Knopf’s translation program

Mai Kataoka

Aspirational elegance: character interpretation in the ‘Genji Hinagata’

Michelle Kuhn

281_Anti Nuke’s graffiti and Japanese political subjectivity

Victoria Oana Lupascu

Nagoya gesaku and the Daisō lending library

Dylan McGee

Translingual melancholy in Yi Sang’s visual poetry

Yoon Jeong Oh

Structuring the void: Kanai Mieko’s ‘inflated man’ and pictorial allusion

Hannah L.E. Osborne

When words fail

Doug Slaymaker

Manga and / as art avant gardism: Japanese comics within 1960s Japanese visual culture

Shige (CJ) Suzuki

古典文学は過去の遺物かー漫画を通した再生― Classical Japanese Literature, A Relic of the Past? – Revitalization through Manga --

Lindsey Stirek