Online Registration

VCS K-12 Families Must Complete ALL Steps

NOTE:!  This must be completed in a internet browser (like Safari or Chrome), you cannot complete this using the Skyward Mobile App.

Sign In To Skyward Family Access

Select "Online Registration"

Select "Online Registration" from the menu on the left 


Select the link for "Go to Online Registration for ..." in the Green header message

This must be completed for EACH returning student you have enrolled at VCS K-12.

Select your Student(s) name from the pop up that appears to begin the Online Registration Process.

Basic Navigation

When viewing the screens, any field with a Grey Background is VIEW ONLY.  You will not be able to make any changes to these fields.

Fields with a white background you can edit.

Use the Side and Bottom Navigation to save your work and move between steps.

Green Checks will indicate when you have completed a step.

Save your progress and come back later to finish

Step 1a: Student Information

Review the date on each screen. You can click and type in white cells only.  Cells that are Grey are VIEW ONLY and can not be edited. Please contact the school if you have questions about that data.

When you are done click on either button at the bottom of each section to mark that section as complete.

Step 1b: Family Address

Review the date on each screen. You can click and type in white cells only.  Cells that are Grey are VIEW ONLY and can not be edited. Please contact the school if you have questions about that data.

When you are done click on either button at the bottom of each section to mark that section as complete.

Step 1c: Family Information

Review the date on each screen. You can click and type in white cells only.  Cells that are Grey are VIEW ONLY and can not be edited. Please contact the school if you have questions about that data.

When you are done click on either button at the bottom of each section to mark that section as complete.

Step 1d: Family Information

Review the date on each screen. You can click and type in white cells only.  Cells that are Grey are VIEW ONLY and can not be edited. Please contact the school if you have questions about that data.

When you are done click on either button at the bottom of each section to mark that section as complete.

Step 1e: Emergency Contacts

You can ADD Emergency Contacts (5 Max)

You can DELETE Emergency Contacts

You can CHANGE the order of the Emergency Contacts

When you are done click on either button at the bottom of each section to mark that section as complete.

Step 1f: Health Information

This is VIEW ONLY. If you have any questions about this data please contact the school's main office.

When you are done click on either button at the bottom of each section to mark that section as complete.

Step 2: Skylert Information

This is where you can indicate if you want to receive text or email messages related to different items such as attendance or emergency notices.  

Examples, when we send text messages and phone calls about school closures.  This is where the phone numbers and emails are coming from for those messages.

When you are done click on either button at the bottom of each section to mark that section as complete.

Step 3: Health Services Form

Click "Yes" on the pop up window to open the form that needs to be completed.

Click "View Full Screen" to view the entire form and to complete the form.

Step 4: Complete Online Registration

This is the FINAL step.  Click the button to "Submit Online Registration" to finalize your review.

If you have more than one student enrolled at The Villages Charter School, you will need to repeat this process for each one (Gr 6-8 only right now).

This is what the confirmation screen will look like.

If you have more than 1 student enrolled (returning) at The Villages Charter School- Repeat the above steps for each child.