Year 9-10

Year 9 students build their understanding of their strengths, interests and values and start to consider how these might influence their life, learning and work choices. They are developing their confidence as learners, and articulate aspirations and dreams about their future. They understand how they relate to others and the impact their personal decisions have on their lives. Teachers contribute school-wide by making connections between classroom learning and students’ lives outside of and beyond school, including the world of work. Teachers can also show how decisions made during schooling have the potential to influence future pathways.

Take a look at the 'Where To' posters to see where different subjects can take you.

Year 10 students at Tauraroa Area School are timetabled one period a week for specialised Career Education. Students will follow a careers exploration process that includes research, questions and answers, information gathering and sharing. They will complete a variety of tasks and games that will help them to gain a better understanding of ‘life in the real world’ and how their careers can be planned, developed and affected as they progress from school to adulthood.

A wide range of online and in-class resources are also used to assist students in understanding NCEA and making informed decisions regarding their course choices for Year 11. A particularly useful online resource that students are encouraged to use in class and at home is Careers New Zealand.

Making a good decision regarding your options in the second semester is vital. There will be some limitations in selecting your pair of courses, but the most important considerations are what are you interested in, good at, and keen to continue with into NCEA.